
The Colfosco rope garden
A completely different adventure: swinging through the treetops, sailing from branch to branch. The Colfosco Rope Garden offers big and small the chance to try out their own climbing ability. Safely strapped in with a climbing belt and safety gear you move in different difficulty levels over five obstacle courses along ropes, over platforms and beams at a height of up to 19 metres. All you need here is dexterity, balance, concentration, and a bit of courage.

The Fanes-Senes-Prags National Park
The former kingdom of the legendary clan of the Fanes and of their princess Dolosilla is one of the most extensive and beautiful nature reserves in South Tyrol. Here you can experience nature in all her natural beauty. Jagged rocks and steep cliff faces are interspersed with soft mountain pastures and gentle slopes which are home to a wide range of rare animals and plants.

The Kraxenofen
The Kraxenofens are comfortable benches which you can sit on with your back on the heat source. The essential oils of the hay ‘encase’ the body, warm the back and neck, and the aromas free up your airways and relax body and soul. There is a charge for use of the Kraxenofens.

Turkish steam bath
The Turkish steam bath works wonders for rheumatism, leaves you with clean, glowing skin, and is an excellent stress relief. This is achieved by its extremely high humidity of over 90 % and medium temperatures of around 50°C.

Vie Ferrate
Nothing is as exciting as gripping to a cliff-face, mastering mountain peaks, and feeling the freedom of being up high. In times gone by the Vie Ferrate were built in order to negotiate steep slopes, but today they are exciting climbing routes for mountain lovers. The Dolomites are full of these ‘paths’, which can easily be reached from the many mountain shelters. With the right equipment, experience, and a mountain guide you can have one of the most exciting times of your life!
Helps to release tension after sporting activities and prevent muscular pains.
60 minutes € 72,00
60 minutes € 72,00